Case Management

Coordinating your care in the hospital and at home

Your Patient Advocate

At Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital–Needham, nurses and social workers form the case management team. Our case managers serve as patient advocates. We coordinate your care when you are in the hospital. When you leave, your case manager arranges for any additional services you need and ensures an appropriate and safe return home.

Case Managers

Case managers partner with your health care team to create the best care for you.

As your patient advocate, a case manager helps you make decisions about your care. We can help you address concerns with your doctors and nurses. Your case manager also works with you to complete any necessary paperwork.

The stress of being in the hospital for an injury or illness can impact your treatment, recovery and transition from one care environment to another. Our case managers provide social work services and support to you and your family for any psychosocial needs that arise.

Your case manager connects you to services within the BID Needham health system and in your local community. 

Coordinating Your Care After the Hospital

Your case manager develops a transition plan to extend your care when you leave the hospital. Our team:

  • Assesses patient and family needs
  • Collaborates with insurance-based case managers
  • Consults with your doctors

Your discharge plan may include arrangements for:

  • Skilled home health care services
  • Transfer to a skilled nursing facility or acute rehab facility

One of the most important tasks your case manager completes is connecting you back to your community, primary care physician and local resources.

If you or your family have questions about your discharge plan, talk with your case manager and your doctor. If you disagree with your discharge plan, contact your insurance provider and follow their instructions.

Utilization Review

Case managers help make sure you receive high quality care at the most reasonable cost to you and your health care insurer.

This oversight of the use of available hospital services is called utilization review, and it is required by federal law.

Your case manager follows Interqual guidelines. We’ll discuss your treatment plan and care goals with your doctor and your insurance company. Utilization review confirms you receive the most appropriate medical care in the hospital.

Contact Us

The case managers at BID Needham are available seven days a week. Call us at 781-453-5414.